This glossary is based on data from logipedia, kindly provided by the Fraunhofer Institute for Material Flow and Logistics IML. The authors Michael ten Hompel (eds.) and Volker Heidenblut hold the complete copyrights of all glossary contents.

  • E-CommerceE-Commerce is the collective term for all activities on the Internet with regard to trade in goods, services and information. The spectrum can range from product information, customer inquiries and orders to payment transactions. E-C. is often used synonymously with the term e-business, which(...)
  • Europool pallet(in short: Euro pallet; basic dimensions 800 x 1,200 mm) is supported by the European pallet pool. The purpose and aim of the pool is to enable an uninterrupted transport chain with pallets of equal quality, safety and therefore exchangeability. In Germany, the European Pallet Association(...)

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