This glossary is based on data from logipedia, kindly provided by the Fraunhofer Institute for Material Flow and Logistics IML. The authors Michael ten Hompel (eds.) and Volker Heidenblut hold the complete copyrights of all glossary contents.
- Packing materialPacking material is the term for material used to wrap and hold together packaged goods for shipping, storage and sales purposes (DIN 55405). Source: logipedia / Fraunhofer IML
- Procurement logisticsProcurement logistics refers to the totality of logistical tasks and measures for the preparation and execution of the flow of goods from purchasing to transport to goods receipt. Cf. e-procurement. Source: logipedia / Fraunhofer IML
- Production LogisticsProduction logistics comprises all logistical activities, measures and topics that result from the provision of inventory or services. It is a link in the logistics chain between procurement logistics and sales logistics. Examples of P.'s activities are planning, control, transport and storage(...)
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