In order to be able to identify an object without any doubt throughout the entire logistics chain, it can be determined by an identifier. This ident carrier is generated by an identification system. The components of an ident system consist of a mobile data storage (MDS), a read/write device and an evaluation unit.

The ident Carrier itself usually consists of a memory unit and an antenna for receiving and transmitting signals. It is attached to the object and can be read by means of electromagnetic waves.

The i-carrier has the same function as a barcode, ie informs the system about the content of the object. Compared to the barcode, however, the ident carrier has several advantages. The fact that it is read electronically means that there is no risk of dirt obscuring the information or impairing the ability to read it, and an ident carrier can also store much more information than a barcode.

If the object passes through the various interfaces of a distribution chain, the ident carrier is read via electromagnetic waves. The material flow controller reads the information about the object and can accordingly instruct what happens next with it.

Since there are two different ways of obtaining the energy for data transmission, a distinction is made between active and passive identifiers. The active ones draw their power from a built-in battery that lasts two to three years, depending on usage. The passive ones draw their energy from the electromagnetic alternating field emitted by the read/write device.

For more information on identifiers, see RFID and Information in intralogistics.

Image source: © Huseyin Bas –

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