There are different types of handling for goods in the shipping area. One of these is called cross-docking and is a form of cross-connection.
The most striking characteristic of this type of transshipment is that cross-docking does not involve storage. The goods are already pre-packed by the vendor or sender. Delivered articles are not put into stock, but are assigned directly to the corresponding goods issues and sent onward.
There are three variants of cross-docking:
- single-level
- double-level
- multi-level
The single-level variant requires pre-packing by the vendor in relation to the final recipient. The goods are forwarded unchanged to the recipient via one or more load transfer points. For successful implementation, the sender must first mark the goods with the name of the addressee.
In the double-level variant, the goods are forwarded unchanged only up to the load transfer point. From there, the goods are transshipped into new units and delivered to the respective recipients.
Multi-stage cross-docking includes further process steps in addition to the actual repacking. Examples include the possible repackaging of articles or the labeling of goods.
Advantagesare the creation of shorter throughput times, timely delivery, reduction of inventory, minimisation of storage space requirements, avoidance of storage and retrieval processes and reduction of warehousing costs.
You can find further information on goods handling in the article Handling Logistics.
Image source: © Industrieblick –
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